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Creating a quiz

I am creating a quiz on Google Forms about Horror Films and Trailers.

Press pack Research (Lesson)

What usually is included in a press kit: Teaser TrailerFilm postersynopsisCast/ crew biosContact details The film i have chosen is...


bbfc- British Board of Film Classification The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-governmental body which has...

Advertisement research

This weekend i was in Manchester and i walked past an advertisement board. It was interactive and you had the scan the code and it would...


Typography is the font that is used and the colour of the text in films and advertisement. I have chosen six fonts that target my...

Audience Research

The audience of our film trailer is going to be for teenagers so i would give the trailer a PG age rating but the film would have a...


What is AR? AR stands for Augmented reality. It is digital content that's on top of the real world. Snapchat and Pokemon go are the most...

Horror Film poster Research & Analysis

The genre of our film trailer is Horror, so i have found some other Horror film posters and i am going to analyse them to see what i...

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