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My Views on the group

I think there should've been more communication within our group so we could've gotten all of the filming and editing done quicker and not left it last minuet. The communication within the group made us slow down our own timetabled tasks.


Although i thought that we worked well as a group as we were comfortable with each other and knew each others strengths.

If I was to do the task again...

If i was to do the task again i would definitely do more planning  because it will make creating everything easier and i would make sure all of the planning is done before i start creating anything, as i might forget and not get it done or get left till last minuet. I would also do more research as this will help me progress and develop my skills in certain areas. 

I would also make sure the filming and editing is done a couple of weeks before the due date.

New Roles

Producer - Bethany



Cinematographer- Bethany & Ethan


The only job roles we have changed are mine as i didn't film anything and me and nelson where also actors.

Nelson- editor, actor

Ethan- Camera man, director

Beth- producer, actor

As a producer i had to take care of all of the planning such as when when and where we are filming.


The proposal that i made at the start of the assignment said :

That we are going to create a trailer and i that i am going to produce promotional material such as posters, interactive posters and quizzes.

Have i followed my proposal?

I have created:​

  • Poster

  • Press pack

  • Quiz

  • Interactive Poster's

My views on the project

I enjoyed this project as it gave me an insight on the things you have to create whilst being in the filming industry to promote your film. 

I enjoyed creating the promotional material the most as i could do what i want with it. 

I wanted to film and get it edited as soon as we could so we could spend more time on that rather than the promotional material, as we didn't have that much time to edit it. This also effected finishing the promotional material such as the press pack as i had to also link that on. 

What went well and what I would change...

What went well?

I think the posters and other promotional material went well as i had already practised them beforehand and it was independent work so i could work how i wanted.


I am proud of my poster the most as when i first started the course i didn't have any Photoshop skills, but then we had a lesson on small skills and how blend on Photoshop, and i now understand it and know how to do it.

What would you change?

I think if i was to change anything i would change the trailers story line and think more about it as i didn't really know what it was about and it wasn't that clear.

Production Schedule

I didn't follow my production schedule.

  • We where supposed to be filming  on the 17th, 18th, 19th and 21st of December as well as the 7th, 8th and 9th of January. As we filmed one part on the 4th of January and the other

  • I didn't write down when we would be editing which i should consider next time.

I think that i made too many blank spaces in the schedule and i completed tasks before they were supposed to be done so i was left doing nothing. However because  i did it too quickly i think i missed small important things, such as weather the links work or not. 

The changing of story lines


The First Story line:

At start the trailer is going to be the two

main characters and its all happy and bright like a dream but at night on the way home one of the characters is walking through the park and thinks someone is following them, so they start running (handheld camera). The once they get to a bridge they are stuck as there are people at both sides so they have to jump. (they wont actually jump it will cut and there will be a splash noise).


This was the Original Story line that we had, but we had to change it due to the change of locations.


We are keeping the first part of the proposal, with all of the happy scenes, and where they are getting followed. But we have then erased the other ideas and made the story line about another character following the two characters and then kills one of them in the end.

Changes we made throughout the project:

  • We changed locations from Avenham park to Winckley Square in Preston.

  • We changed the story line 

  • We added a character to the plot

  • We didn't use some of the equipment that we said we would.

  • The job roles, as i ended up taking part in the acting so Ethan had to film.

  • We also said that we would all individually edit our own trailer , however due to timing issues Nelson is editing it.

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