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  • Writer's pictureBethany Capstick

Press pack 2

Updated: Jan 16, 2019

After our lesson today on press packs i am going to have to change mine as it doesn't fit the criteria and i now know what it should be like and what should be included.

I stared my press pack again on Canva but i used a template. I have chosen red, black and grey as the colours for my press pack as that's the colour theme i have used throughout the project.

Once i had sorted the font page out i created a page for my poster. I then made another page for some of the behind the scenes images and a brief description on where we filmed.

I then decided the original red i used wasn't the right red that i have used for the poster and i thought it would look better if they where the same. So from the pastel red i changed it to a much brighter red, this red also stands out more.

I added this page onto my press pack about the release date and the director.

Whats in my Press Pack?

In my press pack i have included a synopsis, behind the scenes, the release date, main actor and the director.

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Press Pack Feedback

This is the feedback that i got from my press pack: *add in a synopsis *add a page for the poster *could add some headshot's of the main actor *and when the tailer is done link it up to the press pack

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